What Our Skin Tries To Tell Us About Our Health: San Francisco CA Chiropractic Tips
What Our Skin Tries To Tell Us About Our Health: San Francisco CA Chiropractic Tips

Our skin is our largest organ and it does a whole lot more than just hold our body parts together. It pulls out toxins and helps us recognize that something is going on inside our body.
Sometimes a skin rash can tell us we are allergic to something or having a detox. Other times there may be something very serious going on.
Our skin may be trying to tell us something. Contact our San Francisco CA chiropractic office today to see how we can help you reach your health goals and keep you happy and healthy.
Skin Issues in San Francisco CA
Here are some different issues that our skin is giving us signals about:
Butterfly Rash: This is a rash on the face normally on the nose and cheeks. This can be a sign of inflammation, Rosacea, or Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE). Lupus is an autoimmune disease and how this disease works is it confuses our natural body organs and tissues to be a foreign invader and attacks it. The most common areas that are affected are the kidneys, skin and joints. People with this disease can feel tired a lot, have fevers and lead to kidney failure.
Acanthosis Nigricans: These are plaques on the skin that look like velvet. The skin thickens in the folds of the body such as the neck, armpits and groin area. The color is normally fairly dark brown or black. Children can get this as well if there is diabetes or an internal malignancy but most commonly it is seen in adults.
Necrobiosis Lipoidica: Also related to diabetes. These are areas that are reddish brown on the legs, arms and can lead to open wounds.
Lichen Planus: Flat, Reddish-purple, itchy, violet bumps on the wrist, ankles, mouth, lower back, neck, legs and genitals. The cause is unknown but it is thought to be a problem with the liver. Get your liver checked and look for hepatitis C.
Tuberous Sclerosis: "Shagreen Patches": These are flesh colored lesions on the lower back that look sort of like orange peels. Often there are other symptoms like red or brown acne on the cheeks and nose; and ash-leaf spots on the trunk under the skin. The pattern of the spots is oval on one end and pointy on the other. This is a sign of benign tumors in the brain and vital organs.
Tripe Palms or Ancanthosis Palmaris: (A rare condition) Thick, velvety white palms and soles of the feet. The texture looks like a boiled tripe. 95% of the time it is a sign of cancer. If only on the palms it is normally lung cancer.
Wooden Hands and Feet: Also called Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis Brown discoloration and indentation of the lower arms and legs. The hands and feet become brown like wood. At times there is a yellow spot in the eye. This is found in people with kidney disease.
Necrolytic Migratory Erythema: Scaly rash on buttocks or palms but can occur in other areas of the body as well. A red painful tongue is also common. This is seen mostly in elderly people and is a signal of a pancreatic tumor (glucogonoma)
Not all skin conditions are severe. Sometimes it may be a sign of lack of nutrition like vitamin B or dry skin. Understanding your body and what is normal for you is key. If you think something is off, go see a doctor.
Contact Us today!
Dr. Amie Gregory, DC, CCEP, ANF is a San Francisco CA chiropractor that understands full body health and helps with lifestyle changes. She works with athletes, expectant moms, office workers, and everyone else in between.
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