Pregnancy and Family Care in San Francisco CA

Looking for prenatal care in San Francisco CA? We specialize in the Webster Technique for mom and baby!
Pregnancy is a beautiful thing, however, sometimes there is discomfort even before giving birth. The Webster Technique is safe and helps not only prepare the mom for birth but also get the baby ready.
Webster Technique in San Francisco CA
This technique helps with:
- Low back pain
- Breech babies (helps to turn to normal position, even twins!)
- Easier delivery
- Better comfort during pregnancy
According to the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics (2002), an 82% success rate is achieved by Webster Technique Certified Chiropractors who work with mothers with babies presenting breech or transverse. This technique helps the pelvis loosen up by affecting the round ligament which holds the uterus in position and keeps the mother and baby relaxed throughout pregnancy.
For more information please click this link Webster Technique.
In many cases, your medical doctor will have you wait to see if your baby turns on their own but if still breech by approximately 36–37 weeks, your doctor will probably suggest attempting an External Cephalic Version. This is when your doctor attempts to turn your baby while still in the uterus by pushing on the baby with his or her hands through your abdomen.
External Cephalic Version can bring about complications including vaginal bleeding, premature rupture of membranes, fetal distress and premature labor. If there are no complications and your baby is still breech after this procedure, then a C-Section is scheduled. The Webster technique can help breech babies turn safer, less invasively and is successful over 80% of the time which helps avoid C-sections.
Benefits Of Prenatal Chiropractic
- Healthier pregnancy
- Decreased nausea
- Reduced labor time & delivery
- Relief of back, neck or joint dysfunction
- Prevention of cesarean section
- Decreased rates of breech babies
How breech presentation can be reversed with the Webster Technique
This technique aligns your pelvis and loosens the Uterosacral and Round Ligaments attached to the uterus. These can pull and tug on the uterus tightening up and restricting movement of your baby. When the pelvis is aligned and the ligaments are relaxed, your baby has room to move and position head down ready for birth. This technique can also help with pelvic pain, sciatica and keep you aligned for an easier birth.
Prenatal chiropractic treatments help Prevent C-Sections
Dr. Gregory became certified in the Webster Technique to help expectant mothers during and after pregnancy. She wanted a method that was non-invasive, gentle and effective. Breech position does not mean that they will stay breech even at 37 weeks. Dr. Gregory has helped numerous moms have a vaginal birth even when baby was breech at 39 or 40 weeks.
C-Sections are becoming more common these days. Why is that? Well, years ago obstetricians were prepared and trained for vaginal breech births. C-Sections were not very common. Now, if breech position is seen on ultrasound after 36 or 37 weeks, you will be scheduled for an External Cephalic Version (Version) . If this is unsuccessful then you will be scheduled for C-Section. This is now the standard. This is an invasive, surgical procedure that can take a long time to recover from and in most cases avoidable.
You will be amazed at how this technique can also decrease “normal” symptoms expecting mothers feel are all part of being pregnant. We can help you feel great during pregnancy and after!
Tips for expectant mothers to help during pregnancy and birth
Keeping your pelvis mobile and aligned is key for a healthy childbirth. Below are some tips for creating the most efficient birth process.
Most first time moms see us when they are having pelvic pain or are around 37 weeks with a breech baby and want to avoid C-Section. We can help up to the due date but the sooner you see us, the better. Expectant moms who see us during pregnancy are more mobile, have less pain during pregnancy and child birth, sleep better and can also have less swelling in ankles and hands. Chiropractic can decrease labor times by 24% for first time moms and up to 33% for multiple births.
Pain during pregnancy is not normal. Yes your body does change and there is some tension but large amount of tension on the Round Ligament, Pubic Symphysis or Sacrum is not normal and can happen when the hips are not aligned and moving properly. Tight ligaments can also lead to breech position. The Webster Technique loosens the Round Ligament. It is gentle and helps your baby feel more comfortable allowing them to move more freely and present in better positioning.
Prenatal yoga, in addition to body work can all lead to your pelvis aligning and allowing the birth canal to open up getting ready for birth. Stretching and flexibility will also allow your body to prepare for child birth. Your major hip flexor (Psoas Muscle) can become tight and put pressure on the low back and abdomen. Keeping this loose will help open up the hip joint and make it easier during labour. The more flexible you are, the better.
These muscles are the muscles that are used when we try to stop urinating. In order to find them, you can stop urination and see what that feels like. It is not recommended to do this every time, just to see what muscles you need to contract. Doing this repeatedly can lead to Urinary Tract infection. After figuring out how these muscles work. Contract them when your bladder is empty.
When these muscles are relaxed during labor, more space is available for your baby to move through the birth canal.
Chiropractic adjustments have been shown to relax these muscles and lead to more relaxing labors.
Contact Us Today!
Even if you don’t have a breech baby, chiropractic during pregnancy can help you feel better and better prepare you for birth. This is great for you and your new addition to the family!
Dr. Amie Gregory DC, CCEP, ANF has been helping expectant mothers in San Francisco Bay Area for over 14 years. Contact our office today to find out how we can help!
- The effects of chiropractic treatment on pregnancy and labor: a comprehensive study. Fallon J. Proceedings of the world chiropractic congress. 1991; 24-31.
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8:00am - 6:00pm
8:00am - 6:00pm
8:00am - 12:00pm
Precise Moves Chiropractic
3150 18th St #334
San Francisco, CA 94110