Dr. Amie Gregory, DC, CCEP, ANF

"Chiropractic is not my job, it is who I am! I love figuring out what needs to be done in order to help and serve others." - Dr. Gregory
Our body needs balance in order to work correctly. All of our parts work together. We just need to know what part or parts are not communicating correctly and help them connect. Just like a car engine all parts need to be aligned and connected in order to run correctly before something breaks down.
In the 14+ years that she has been a Chiropractor, she not only continues to learn new chiropractic methods, she takes classes on nutrition, soft tissue repair, energy/frequency, physical therapy and any other technique that she thinks would be useful so that her patients attain better health and quality of life.
Chemical, emotional and physical stress is always what hinders us if we do not alleviate it. We need to get stress out of our body. If it stays inside it leads to dis-ease and symptoms. Getting these stressors out of your system may take different methods. She understands each one of you is different and may need something unique along with chiropractic to keep you healthy and strong. She loves the work that she does and it shows. That is why it is not a job to her, it is just a part of who she is.
Dr. Gregory's Chiropractic Approach
Chiropractic works because the spine not only holds your body up and keeps it moving the way it should, but those same nerves connect to the the brain, limbs, ligaments, tendons, muscles, glands and systems. The spinal cord sends messages everywhere and we want those messages to be sent correctly. Function is very important, even in areas that are not painful. If function is lost, the body will become stressed and lead to symptoms like pain and lack of movement. Dr. Gregory helps the spine, soft tissue, ligaments, tendons and muscles so they work as they should and signals sent throughout the body are normal and stress free.
Why Did I Dr. Gregory Decide To Become A Chiropractor?

I became interested in chiropractic while training as an amateur boxer. After workouts, I began to have wrist, lower back, and elbow pain. This was starting to affect my desk job duties and I began to see a chiropractor because a co-worker’s husband had a local practice. His chiropractic adjustments allowed my physical problems to diminished quickly. I noticed that I caught colds and flus less often and it allowed me to continue doing what I loved.
I could work out without pain and didn’t notice any problems at my job. During my care, I began to discover how amazing the natural process of healing was without medication or surgery. I had never experienced this type of care before. I was so blown away at how a chiropractor near me could facilitate such effective healing only using their hands and specific tools. This sparked my interest in chiropractic, anatomy, and physiology. I quickly quit my nine to five job at a San Francisco high tech company and enrolled in chiropractic school. I wanted to become a doctor to help other people the same way I was. I also wanted to give people something they may have not experienced before when seeking help from a doctor. I am passionate about what I do, constantly learn new techniques and modalities to help my patients any way I can. Health and wellness take some work along with changes in lifestyle habits and I am here to listen, guide and help you get results.
I love working with people who want a natural and holistic method of healing. I truly care about your health and well being and though you may come in with a specific issue, I will analyze your whole body to find out why this issue has presented itself and look to see if anything else is festering in your system and at risk to show up. I monitor your progress with hands-on tests and state of the art technology (“The Insight”) to cover all facets of health. Whether you are coming in with an athletic injury, car accident issue or to make sure you are in the best health you can be in, your health is my top priority. Using the Insight is accurate but non-invasive and painless. I will allow me to see what stress your body is under and areas to focus on that may not have surfaced yet so we can address them and make sure they do not impede your life in the future.
Being a former patient and athlete (boxing, softball, triathlete, tennis, boot camp), I understand the demands put on the body. We work together as a team to keep you not only able to do the things you love but make sure your health is in tip-top shape!
Dr. Amie Gregory, DC is an elite chiropractor who does her best to "make sure all patients feel comfortable, welcomed, understood and like family while working toward their optimal health goals.” We are a team! – Dr. Amie Gregory, DC, CCEP, ANF Instructor
How does this happen with an adjustment?
Muscles have what are called muscle spindles. Muscle spindles inside muscle send messages to the brain. Then the brain figures out what signals to send back. The brain is always deciding if we are safe and how our body is moving in the environment.
- Is our body working correctly?
- Is our body injured or inflamed?
- Does it need to be shut down to be protected?
- Does it need to send pain signals to make sure this area is no longer damaged?
Signals from the spinal joints, limbs and muscles are sent to the Prefrontal Cortex and Cerebellum which determine balance, mood, thinking, planning, memory, self control, organization, coordination, vision. It is more than just being able to move correctly, it is total body function.
During care, if you need guidance on necessary lifestyle changes, eating correctly, rehabilitative exercises or how posture helps or hinders general health, Dr. Gregory is more than happy help. She also wants to empower you to take control of your health and learn what makes your body able to withstand daily stresses you may encounter at work, school, home or play. Everyday we encounter some type of stress and if we don't know how to get rid of it, it will fester in our system. Lets get this out so you can thrive! Here is a great video showing how the Prefrontal cortex and chiropractic is connected:
We will go over your past medical history and what your goals are. We are here to listen and try and figure out what you need in order to reach your goals. There will be questions on your paperwork that may seem strange when asked but they are there to cover all facets of health so we need to know what to focus on or what may be leading to why you have come in. Sometimes something that seems very minimal may be a part of the problem and have to be addressed in order to help what is going on presently.
In order to analyze what is going on, we will do some tests and may even do a scan which will cover your spine, muscles and Autonomic Nervous System to see if there is anything hidden that didn’t show up on my hands on testing. We don’t do x-rays, but if we feel you need them, we can send you to a local place to get them. You will get treatment the same day you have come in. We will also balance your body's systems so that you heal. If your body is balanced, you will remain healthy and vibrant.
Regular Chiropractic Visits
When you come in to start your healing and treatment plan, we will see how you responded to the first treatment to make sure this is something that will work for you. This could be the same week if your problem is severe or the following week. Dr. Gregory will come up with a plan that will be based on what your goals are and what your body needs. Normally, the beginning of care requires more frequent visits to make sure your body is progressing and healing. Once your body is balanced visits will be less frequent based on subsequent scans, exams and consults. Visits are 5-15 minutes unless further examination is needed.
What you can expect at Precise Moves Chiropractic:
Dr. Gregory applies a "whole person" holistic approach to chiropractic care, which means searching for the underlying causes of dis-ease, discomfort, and pain as opposed to just chasing the pain and symptoms. She connects the dots to find out how your body works and what can help you heal the quickest.
Why do you get pain or symptoms?
Symptoms often arise from imbalances in the spinal column and body, improper lifestyle habits and accumulation of stress. Safe, low force, non-invasive methods are used to be able to determine the root of the pain and create a personalized chiropractic and wellness plan to suit your individual needs.
- Gentle treatments Drop Table and Activator
- SASTM (A Graston Technique) for soft tissue repair
- Cold Laser for pain and inflammation reduction
- Webster Technique to assist with prenatal care and breech babies
- Zone Technique
- Amino Neuro Frequency Therapy (wearable devices that retrain neurons in your body)
There is no cookie cutting here. Each person is seen as an individual and tests, treatments are created for you! Dr. Gregory is well trained in several techniques, analyzes the whole body and treatments evolve as you evolve. Dr. Gregory uses several techniques to make sure different facets of your body are addressed. The brain, nerves, muscles, glands and whole body work together and communicate. She likes to cover as many systems as she can to help and assist with full body healing. Here are some areas of expertise:
- Certified Chiropractic Extremity Practitioner (CCEP)
- Personal Trainer by the International Sports Medicine Association (ISMA).
- Amino Neuro Frequency Therapist
- Zone Technique (balances of brain, body and systems)
- Webster Technique for expectant moms and breech babies
- Soft tissue injury expert and using SASTM (Graston Technique)
- Cold Laser for pain and inflammation
- Nutrition Response Testing (for active chiropractic patients)
She believes the whole body works together as a whole. If one area is stressed, the whole body is stressed. “All symptoms are a health and wellness issue and a sign that something is not working well in the body”. This is why she guides patients with proper ergonomics, posture, nutrition, exercises and anything else that comes up along the way.
This guidance allows you to get healthy, stay healthy. Now you can live the lifestyle you want to live and actually thrive!
Why go to the chiropractor for your full body health instead of just neck and back pain?
Well, neck and back pain is a health problem caused by stress on the body. This stress can be physical, emotional or chemical. The source of stress that is causing issues need to be addressed to make sure they don't fester and become long term problems.
Symptoms normally arise because of improper lifestyle habits such as repetitive actions, sitting, sleeping or standing in stressful positions, physical accidents, poor eating habits, and emotional stress (job, family etc.) Normally when people first come to the office they are in pain. We want to make sure you are not only pain-free but also healthy. In order to do this, we track your nerves from head to toe (feet, shoulders, elbows, wrists, hands, knees, ankles and hips) and discuss other habits you have in your life that may be contributing to your health issues.
We understand that each person is unique and may require different treatment methods in order to heal, so we tailor an individual care plan to get quicker and long lasting results just for you. We guide you in any way we can and are here to answer any questions you may have along the way. We know you have a lot of choices out there and we are confident that we will get results and keep you on the road to health.
Dr. Amie Gregory, DC, CCEP, ANF is a San Francisco, CA chiropractor. Schedule an appointment today and you will see why she is so highly recommended.
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Hours May Change Due To Doctor Availability
8:00am - 12:00pm
8:00am - 6:00pm
8:00am - 6:00pm
8:00am - 12:00pm
Precise Moves Chiropractic
3150 18th St #334
San Francisco, CA 94110