Can Chiropractic Help You in San Francisco CA?

How does chiropractic help in San Francisco CA? Well, people have been turning to chiropractic health care for over a century. Since chiropractic was discovered in 1895, people have desired natural solutions for a wide variety of ailments, from migraines to foot pain. Chiropractic was the original holistic medicine that focused on treating the whole body and not just the symptoms. According to Medical News Today: A review of 2010 showed that spinal manipulation by chiropractors were highly successful in treating back pain, migraine headaches, whiplash, and conditions affecting the upper and lower extremities. Pain is usually what people come into the office with but they soon start to discover other health benefits after receiving chiropractic care. There are many benefits to seeing a chiropractor!
When is chiropractic beneficial as a health and wellness choice in San Francisco CA?
We use the term “subluxation” a lot in chiropractic. What this means is that joints are not moving properly or are stuck. Your spinal column consists of joints as well as your wrists, knees, hips, feet or any other part of your body that moves. A subluxation can happen doing something repetitively like typing, an athletic activity, sleeping in the wrong position or sitting for long periods of time. This leads to stress of your joints which then lead to lack of proper motion, strength, reflexes, endurance, and, ultimately, performance. Chiropractic care can help your body restore normal nerve function and help you get back to your peak in both play and work.
Even when you feel fine, chiropractic can help you maintain your level of health and fitness and even enhance it! Feeling fine is not always an indicator of good health. You may not be currently feeling any discomfort but may have spinal irregularities that exhibit no symptoms but may lead to symptoms in the future. You always feel great until you don't
Chiropractic care helps to keep your communication with your spinal cord and nerves branching out to your organs, tissues, and systems. This is key to great health and vitality as well as a strong immune system.
Just like maintenance visits are recommended for your car, and regular dental cleanings and check-ups are recommended for your teeth, regular chiropractic check-ups can help detect and prevent spinal stress or joint disorders which help your general health.
Utilizing chiropractic care is a smart choice for most everyone, at any time. Even when you don’t have pain. You'll stay healthier longer and have less injuries when your body moves and communicates appropriately. When you are healthy, the time, energy, and money saved due to preventive measures can be spent on things that you love to do. A better quality of life awaits you.
The additional weight, stress, and the fact that you are releasing the hormone Relaxin from week 14 to 5 months after giving birth, this can cause a lot of tension and discomfort on the framework of your body during pregnancy. This can be in almost any part of the body. Because pregnant women are often reluctant to take any over-the-counter and prescription pain relievers, they often turn to chiropractic care to help alleviate pains associated with pregnancy. Dr. Gregory specializes in the Webster Technique that not only helps with lack of movement and preparation for a less stressful birth. It also releases tension in your body. This technique is also beneficial to help with breech position. Even on twins!
Trauma, whether emotional, chemical or physical, can cause spinal misalignments in your body. When your body is misaligned, your nerves, bones, ligaments and discs can become irritated. Any accident, no matter how minor, can create nerve-damaging misalignments. Whiplash can occur at less than 5 miles per hour. Remember, a car is very heavy and a collision, though it may seem small has an impact on your body.
Our Bay Area chiropractor is always happy to give you a spinal check-up to ensure that your spine is free from health-compromising recommended changes needed to help you recover after an accident and to prevent any long-term damage. An accident is pretty traumatic and can have long-term effects if not addressed. Sometimes problems can occur 3-10 years after an incident so it is best to get it taken care of right away to prevent future problems.
No matter how hard we try, we do age. With aging comes some challenges and often drugs and surgery are prescribed to treat any issues that come up. Because we are getting older it is said that getting old it is normal to have back pain, high blood pressure or become diabetic. This is not true. Our bodies want to be pain free and symptom free and do all they can to achieve homeostasis and balance.
Chiropractors understand that aging can bring on some challenges and have been helping folks deal with any aches, pains and associated issues that may happen as our bodies begin to change. We find the cause of what is going on and then choose from a variety of gentle therapeutic techniques and life style changes to alleviate anything that starts to come to surface. Just because we are getting older doesn't mean we can't do the things we love. We just may have to do things differently.
Normally dysfunction comes prior to pain. Lack of movement, stiffness, a “tweek” are all signs that something is not working properly. If ignored pain will follow to let you know it needs to be fixed. All pain is nerve pain. Nerves are what transmit pain in the body. Luckily, chiropractors are great with nerves! That is why we address the spine in the first place to make sure the nerves are free and sending signals they way they should in your body. You don't need to live with pain, pain is not normal or healthy. We can help you get to the root of the problem, set your body up to heal, and restore your health, and keep you pain free.
Health is a complete physical, mental and social well-being., not just an absence of pain. According to WHO, health is an enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health, a fundamental right of every human being without distinction of race, religion, political belief or economic condition.
Just because you do not feel pain does not mean that you are healthy. Everyone has heard of stories of a heart attack, stroke or an emergency situation where it "came out of nowhere". This means that there was something going on that was not felt long before the emergency situation happened. So getting body work and seeing a doctor is crucial to make sure nothing is lurking. That is why medical doctors and hospitals do screenings and blood work to see what is going on inside the body without symptoms.
Who uses a Chiropractor?
Most professional athletes have a chiropractor on staff. Why? Because they understand that body work is important and a necessity for having less injuries, better athletic performance, better focus, and faster healing time if they are injured. That is why we work with precision, so you get results! However....
Chiropractic is great for everyone!
There are gentle ways to help the body and people of all ages can benefit from chiropractic care. Remember, an adjustment sends signals to the brain and back down the body. This helps your brain analyze the environment and how your body moves. If the brain thinks things are safe, it will allow proper movement and send signals proper out to the organs and systems. If it decides that it is "dangerous", it will shut off the area by either locking it up or sending pain signals.
This is why it is so important to get regular care. Just like going to the dentist or any other doctor.
Precise Moves Chiropractic focuses on full body wellness & sports care. There is no joint in the body that we can not work with. We help feet, hands, elbows, knees, hips, neck, back.
Chiropractic treatments lead to better awareness, balance, pain relief, coordination, memory and so much more! Contact us today!
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Hours May Change Due To Doctor Availability
8:00am - 12:00pm
8:00am - 6:00pm
8:00am - 6:00pm
8:00am - 12:00pm
Precise Moves Chiropractic
3150 18th St #334
San Francisco, CA 94110